China Compulsory Certification (English: China Compulsory Certification, abbreviation: CCC or 3C, also known as China Compulsory Certification) is a national standard implemented by the People's Republic of China. The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China (AQSIQ) and the China Certification and Accreditation Administration (CNCA) issued the "Compulsory Product Certification Management Regulations" (Order No. 5 of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China) on December 3, 2001. No.) is formulated and implemented by the China National Certification and Accreditation Administration (CNCA). It will be implemented on May 1, 2002, and the China Commission for Conformity Certification of Electrical Equipment (CCEE) and the China Commodity Inspection Bureau (CCIB) logo will be abolished at the same time.
CCC is a certification that the People's Republic of China compulsorily requires for the import, export, production, sale and use of various products. Only products that pass certification can be considered to meet mandatory requirements in terms of safety, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), and environmental protection. The pattern of the CCC mark consists of a basic pattern and certification type labeling.
category | 中文名称 | 定义 |
1. | 电线电缆及部件 | 1.不包括阻燃电线电缆(轨道交通车辆用电缆电线除外)、耐火电线电缆、裸电线、电力电缆、控制电缆、架空绝缘电缆、通信电缆和光缆、绕组线产品; 2.不包括认证依据标准中未列明的型号、规格。 |
2. | 电路开关及保护或连接用电器装置 | 0201 家用和类似用途插头插座 0202 家用及类似用途固定式电器装置的开关 |
3. | 低电压电机设备 | 工作电压交流1000V(工作电压为AC1140V 的电器可参照执行)、直流1500V 以下的电气线路中的电气设备。 0301 低压成套开关设备 |
4. | 小功率电机 | 0401 小功率电机/ 小型电机中低功率电机 |
5. | 电动工具 | 1.用手握持操作的,装有电源线(含带电源箱或电动机-发电机组)并内装电源开关的、由电动机或由电磁铁作动力来驱动的; 2.交流单相和直流额定电压大于50V,不大于250V,交流三相额定电压不大于440V; |
6. | 电焊机 | 1.将电能转换为焊接能量的整套装置或设备,包括电网输入和原动机驱动的焊接电源(弧焊电源、电阻焊机)、辅助设备及焊接附件; 2.不包括螺柱焊机、光纤熔接机、热熔电焊机、激光焊接机、高频加热焊机、波峰焊机、焊焊机、超声波焊机。 |
7. | 家庭及类似应用设备 | 1.包括满足以下要求的家用和类似用途设备: (1)作为家用及类似用途的; |
8. | 影音设备 | 1.适用标准:GB8898、GB13837、GB17625.1(备注中已注明标准的产品除外); 2.不包括广播电台和电视台使用的广播级音响设备; |
9. | 资讯科技设备 | 1.适用标准:GB4943.1、GB9254、GB17625.1(备注中已注明标准的产品和收款机除外); 2.不包括预定仅在室外环境使用的电子产品(“室外”是指会直接受到风吹、雨淋、日晒等气候条件影响的自然环境); |
10. | 灯具 | 不包括光源产品。 1001 嵌入式灯具/固定式通用灯具/可移式通用灯具/水族箱灯具/电源插座安装的夜灯/地面嵌入式灯具 |
11. | 汽车及安规零件 | 1.在中国公路及城市道路上行驶的M 类汽车、N 类汽车和O 类挂车(须上普通牌照的车辆); 2.在中国公路及城市道路上行驶的摩托车产品; |
12. | 汽车轮胎 | 1.安装在机动车辆车轮上,供机动车辆行驶使用的圆环形弹性制品; 2.轮胎定义应符合GB/T6326; |
13. | 安全玻璃 | 1301 汽车安全玻璃(汽车风窗/风窗以外夹层玻璃 、风窗用区域钢化玻璃、汽车风窗/风窗以外塑玻复合材料、风窗用钢化玻璃、风窗以外用钢化玻璃、风窗以外用中空安全玻璃) 1302 建筑安全玻璃(普通夹层玻璃/钢化夹层玻璃、钢化玻璃/装饰类钢化玻璃、中空玻璃) |
14. | 农业用机器 | 1401 植物保护机械 1402 轮式拖拉机 |
15. | 电讯终端设备 | 1.适用于连接到公共通信网(包括PSTN/无线通信网络/公共互联网)内的非通信运营商管理维护的用户端通信产品; 2.电信终端产品配套的电源适配器(充电器)应随整机检测,不在CCC 认证范围; |
16. | 消防设备 | 1801 火灾报警产品 1802 消防水带 |
17. | 保全设备之侦测器 | 1901 入侵探测器 1902 防盗报警控制器 |
18. | 无线局域网产品 | 无线局域网产品 (独立的无线局域网设备 2001~2006、集成或内置了无线局域网设备的产品2011~2043、提供无线局域网鉴别与保密功能(WAPI(的软件产品2090) |
19. | 装潢材料 | 2101 溶剂型木器涂料 2102 瓷砖 |
20. | 儿童 玩具及用品 | 2201 儿童单车/儿童三轮车/儿童手推车/婴儿学步车/玩具自行车/电动儿童车/其它玩具车辆 2202 电玩具类 |
BANTEK | Founded in 2021, BANTEK is a service organization that provides inspection, testing, certification, training and comprehensive quality assurance for global customers. The laboratory is located in Shenzhen, covering an area of 3,200 square meters. It has EMC electromagnetic compatibility, Radio frequency & communications, electronic and electrical product safety, environmental reliability and energy efficiency laboratories.
BTEK Bangtai Testing is accredited by China Metrology CMA, China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment CNAS, and American Laboratory Accreditation Association A2LA. At the same time, it maintains good cooperative relations with major testing institutions in the industry, such as TÜV Rheinland, INTERTEK, SGS, Eurofins, Nemko, etc. Our service products include consumer electronics, lighting appliances, household appliances, electrical accessories (plugs | sockets | switches), new energy and other products.
BANTEK | Bangtai testing services currently cover Asia, Europe, America, Australia, Russia, parts of the Middle East and most areas in China. BANTEK | Bangtai can ensure the consistency and continuity of customer service in different regions and eliminate the impact of unfamiliar environments. The impact of customer quality assurance and product circulation enables customers to participate in different markets across the country or around the world with perfect quality.
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